

Tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Discover how a part-time job can change your finances today! For those with other responsibilities, retirees, and students, part-time work provides flexibility and extra money. These are short-term jobs within the retail, hotel, and customer service sectors. The perfect part-time employment relies on your availability, desired pay scale, and skill set. Make use of local resources and internet employment sites.

2 Results
Urgent need females for event work part time, Delhi

Urgent need females for event work part time, Delhi


Hey Ladies, We are looking for some beautiful and open minded females for our event in delhi NCR. We needed 10 to 50 good-looking and open minded females for Delhi NCR, daily cash payment of 2000 to 10000 in part time and contract basis as per your choice. We are leading event organiser in delhi ncr. Please whatsapp me your details and work directly on the next day. We are looking forward to you do call and whtsapp me. WhatsApp no. 08826995694 Thanks. Telecommuting is ok. This is a part-time job. This is a contract job. This is an internship. yes -- OK for recruiters to contact this job advertiser. yes -- Phone calls about this job are ok. Yes – This message may be reposted elsewhere.

Part Time Jobs
Home based BPO job at banaswadi and kammanahalli |Income Rs. 20, Bangalore

Home based BPO job at banaswadi and kammanahalli |Income Rs. 20, Bangalore

locationBangalore Urban

PMS offers online Home based BPO job Us based company needs 100 Employees to work at home No Target Work according to your convenient time Nature of work - Just listen to recorded Call 5 options will be given click one of the option and earn for every click Unlimited Income opportunity - Unlimited work load with weekly payout direct to your bank account Every week 100% Payment Guarantee, Start Earning from the Day One. Check the demo video … For Further details contact 1437 BHARATH on 8088776777 OR (Banaswadi Main Road, Bangalore online income opportunity, how can i make extra money working from home | Online jobs online jobs, part time job, home based job, work at home job, make money in online jobs, Training Tutorial, complete training provided by management) no -- Principals only. Recruiters, please don’t contact this job advertiser. no -- Please, no phone calls about this job! no -- Reposting this message elsewhere is NOT OK.

Part Time Jobs